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Risk Factors for Premature Birth Babies and How to Prevent It

There are various factors that can increase the risk of a pregnant woman giving birth to a premature baby, from the age of pregnancy, to having a premature birth, an unhealthy lifestyle, to certain health problems. Most of these risk factors can actually be prevented. Premature babies are babies born before 37 weeks of pregnancy. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveals that Indonesia ranks fifth as the country with the highest number of premature babies in the world. Premature birth can cause the baby to experience various health problems, even infrequently even cause infant death. To anticipate this, every prospective mother needs to know what are the risk factors for preterm birth and prevention steps.

Risk Factors for Premature Giving Birth

A pregnant woman is more at risk of delivering a premature baby if:
  • Aged under 17 years or above 35 years.
  • Pregnant twins.
  • Have a history of premature labor.
  • Weight gain during pregnancy is insufficient.
  • The gap between pregnancy now and before is less than half a year.
In addition, several medical conditions can help increase the risk of pregnant women giving birth to premature babies, including:
  • Suffer from certain diseases, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, preeclampsia, heart disease, kidney disease, urinary tract infections, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Have had a miscarriage or have an abortion.
  • Having a body weight that is too low or excessive before pregnancy.
  • Having vaginal bleeding in the 1st or 2nd trimester of pregnancy.
  • Having too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios).
  • Having abnormalities in the placenta, cervix (cervix), or uterus.
Unhealthy lifestyle of pregnant women can also increase the risk of giving birth prematurely. Some of them are:
  • Poor diet, so pregnant women are malnourished.
  • Smoking or using illegal drugs.
  • Experiencing severe stress.
  • Undergo a lot of energy-intensive work, for example working in shifts
Pregnant women who experience injuries, especially in the abdomen, are also at risk of giving birth prematurely. Injury can occur as a result of falling, or experiencing domestic violence.

Preventing Premature Birth

To reduce the risk of premature birth, there are several preventative steps that can be done, namely:

Applying a healthy lifestyle before and during pregnancy

The trick is to:
  • Eating a balanced nutritious food. This includes adequate intake of protein, carbohydrates, omega-3s, and vitamins and, such as iron and folic acid.
  • Do not smoke, avoid cigarette smoke, and do not consume alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs.
  • Maintain body weight so that it is not too thin or too fat.
  • Routinely do pregnancy checks to the doctor on schedule.
  • Avoid stress.

Progesterone therapy

This therapy is intended for women who have a high risk of giving birth to premature babies, especially with a history of premature birth and cervical abnormalities. The doctor can give progesterone therapy in the form of oral medication, patches, injections, or tablets that are inserted through the vagina.

Cervical binding procedures

In this procedure, the cervix will be closed by stitching, so there is no premature birth. Cervical binding is generally recommended for pregnant women who have had miscarriages, premature births, or who have abnormalities in the cervix. By knowing the risk factors for premature childbirth and preventive measures that can be taken, each expectant mother is expected to be able to pursue a healthy pregnancy, so that the baby can be born normal and full term. Women who have a high risk of giving birth prematurely are advised to consult an obstetrician, both during pregnancy planning and during pregnancy, to get appropriate treatment.


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